
Philanthropy is an integral component of the CMC Group, Inc. business philosophy. In addition to financially supporting a large number of established charities and nonprofit organizations, CMC Group has also created its own nonprofit organization, CMC Giving at Heart. Giving at Heart donates funds to a group of charities decided upon each year by a committee comprised of CMC employees. A portion of these funds is also used for the Employee Helping Hands Program. This program was established to help CMC Group employees and their families in need of emergency assistance after an injury, accident, illness, death, natural disaster, assault, or robbery.

CMC Giving at Heart also serves as a model to employees to give back to people in need. Through the voluntary Payroll Deduction Program, employees of CMC Group have the opportunity to automatically donate a portion of each paycheck to the Giving at Heart fund. CMC Group, Inc. will match each employee donation dollar for dollar. Over 60% of our employees are currently enrolled!

CMC Giving at Heart's vision is to help our employees manage and grow their giving. God calls us to give generously. Giving at Heart is a nonprofit organization that will provide our employees with the tools to give back some of what we have all been blessed with. Giving at Heart reaches out across our community, our nation, and around the world. Our goal is to improve the lives of families and children, empowering and blessing them.

Testimonials from CMC Employees Assisted by Giving at Heart

"Giving at Heart helped us through one of the darkest times of our lives. I have always donated - wanting to help others in need. I never knew the person who would have needed help was me. Suddenly one day my wife lost her job. For three months, our family of four had to rely on one income. We prayed every day until an angel in our company reminded me that I could ask Giving at Heart for help in the form of a grant. I honestly had no idea that was possible. Within 24 hours we were blessed with a grant to help with our rent. I was overly emotional and I knew this foundation is truly part of God’s great work. God lifts up your heart when you feel depleted and defeated. Giving at Heart has truly touched our family and is an amazing foundation that re-affirmed our faith in God."

"I am most grateful for the assistance given to me by the Giving at Heart Committee. I was brought to tears as I
opened the card and was reminded of the many friendships that I now have. May you each continue to be richly blessed for your compassion and faithfulness both to others and to CMC."

"I was having financial difficulties last year, a very stressful time in my life. I did not know what to do or who to turn to for help. I knew CMC Group had a program called “Giving at Heart”, but I was embarrassed to ask for help. Finally I decided that I had no other option, I went to Jeanne Sofo and I have to say she was so kind, caring and made me not feel low about myself asking for help. Jeanne gave me all the information that I needed and how to find the paper work to fill out. I returned the paper work with the proper documentation and that same day I had a check made out to the company that I needed help paying. I am more than grateful for the program “Giving at Heart”. I do want to thank the committee for all they do to make this program a success!! I have also been a participant in the program since I have joined the CMC Group family several years ago."